How would I fix a messed-up PC key or set it back on?

Refreshed: 03/13/2021 by Computer Hope

Some of the time a key on a PC console might turn out to be free or tumble off. To fix the key and adjust it back properly on the console, attempt every one of the accompanying ideas.

                               Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay 


This page is a general reference guide and may not matter to your PC, as your PC might have an alternate console key plan. Furthermore, in the event that you're attempting to eliminate or return a key on a work area console, see: How would I eliminate the keys on a console?

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Fixing a free keycap

PC keycap, key cushion, and key retainer

Dissimilar to a work area key, each key on a PC console might have three parts: the keycap, key cushion, and key retainer, as displayed in the image.

If the keycap is free yet at the same time connected to the PC, it can frequently be fixed by pushing down on the keycap. On the off chance that the keycap re-connects, a snap while squeezing the key down is heard. On the off chance that this doesn't fix the issue, we propose eliminating the key so it tends to be re-appended. The re-connection process is definite beneath.

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How would I eliminate and supplant a PC key or keycap?

Fixing a wrecked keycap


In the event that a key, keycap, key cushion, button, or retainer is truly broken or missing, it should be supplanted, see: Where could I at any point find a swap for a console key?

On the off chance that you're experiencing issues returning a key onto the PC, follow the means underneath. Assuming you're attempting to fix the spacebar, jump to the spacebar steps.

Begin by first embedding the vital retainer into the PC. On the off chance that you have a keypad, we propose embedding it after the retainer is set up to make things simpler. When the retainer is embedded, it ought to lie level and have the option to flex (displayed in the picture underneath).

                                                               Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay 

PC console key retainer

                                                             Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay 


In the event that you don't know what heading the PC key retainer heads, really look at the direction of the metal snares on the foundation of the console. These metal snares assist with deciding the direction of the key retainer laid into them, as the retainer ought to line up with the snares.

                                                        Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay 

 Embed the keypad into the retainer.

When the over two stages are finished, position the critical cap over the retainer in the appropriate direction and press down gently. The key ought to snap onto the retainer. In the event that the key doesn't look right, have a go at pushing down on all edges of the way to ensure all clasps fit properly. Once snapped in, once more, test the key and check whether it works.

                                                                  Image by Marcin from Pixabay 

Spacebar key stages

In contrast to the next keys on the console, the spacebar requires extra moves to get it back on appropriately. The picture beneath shows the spacebar eliminated from a PC. Prior to setting the spacebar keycap back onto the PC, a bar (displayed underneath) should be eliminated by embedding your flathead screwdriver underneath it and delicately pulling it vertical.


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PC spacebar key

When this bar is eliminated, put the new spacebar on the PC. Be careful that it is appropriately situated over the retainers, and push down to adjust it back properly.

                                                        Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay 

Key actually doesn't work subsequent to fixing or supplanting

On the off chance that the key actually doesn't work in the wake of returning it on or supplanting the keycap, key cushion, or key retainer, the circuit board for the console may not be working. On account of an issue with the circuit board, you want to supplant the whole console, including the circuit board, to fix the issue.

To supplant the whole console, contact the PC producer to check whether you can buy one straightforwardly from them. On the off chance that the producer won't offer a substitution console to you, take your PC to a PC mechanics shop.


Don't for any reason use paste to fix your keys. This makes the key glitch.