Developing a business strategy in 6 steps

I started a few projects as I stepped up my game in the world of professional women. One was an online course called "Creating The Perfect Home And Office Design for Your Dreams." At first, it was more about educating myself on various design topics than sharing my skills as a designer/developer. So the idea turned out as something completely different, more about how we think differently than making products, but also something that taught me things like structure is important, a balance of good design and bad design, how to focus on details and do my thinking right. What can you learn from this? Well, one thing is to always keep your eyes open and always ask questions. Even if you know everything now, there's always room for further growth, learnings, and learning what's next is key. Another idea that came along very quickly was the desire to make some extra money while building my existing business. However, since there wasn't enough time in the beginning, I had no need to worry about the finances and decided instead just to start small. For example, selling my own line of clothing to wholesalers. Eventually, it became clear that this wasn't going to go anywhere for me, so I moved on to another project, which involved developing an app using Python, HTML5 CSS3, and Android (I call it my little side project). Again, I spent most of my time actually coding, not designing. Finally, I ended up having what felt like the rest of my life over the last two years: success. Not only did anyone know who I was, but they were also able to see how much work I put into it. How long do I spend ensuring to look and work on the backend? If I could have taken it one step further, I would've done even more, but instead because I didn't need any help. You might think that all these accomplishments made me feel like a failure or that I needed to show off. But honestly, those are the feelings I'd rather have during the time it took to accomplish all this instead of the long-term damage that it caused me. Just because you can get up every hour to come up with new ideas, it doesn't mean you have to be their main bread earner.

So for this article, I'm leaving my strategy behind now and going to talk more specifically about the 6 steps you should take to develop your own personal strategy in order to succeed. This might seem daunting, and you're probably wondering: why now when I'm already doing so well on this project? Why not just wait until someone else decides to go after it instead? Now, at least the past few months, it has become apparent that the odds are stacked against me at my current job, my future career, and my business. But I don't want to stay quiet and look back on this and be ashamed of myself for not chasing after my dreams because I know I will never quite reach where I want to be — financially or professionally. That's why I'm finally reaching for the stars. Instead of getting better, I'm jumping higher (or falling down — if you prefer). I realize it could sound insane, and I know you can't do anything else but fail. Maybe someday other people will help with something, or perhaps you'll find someone who will, and then you can turn around and look back and smile to yourself. Either way, this is the only chance, and it would've been better to just wait for it and see what went wrong. I've failed before, and I know I still can. I just thought maybe now everyone would know it. So here I am, looking forward to telling you the truth — I found out I'm NOT ready for the real world. Yet again, I apologize for the amount of information I'm giving you here. These aren't some secrets or tools to use in order to beat yourself up and create self-doubt in your mind while reading an old blog post about it!



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1. Stop comparing.

When you compare yourself to others, you're limiting yourself. You should always be happy with yourself instead of comparing yourself to someone else. Do you realize how lonely that feels? Or worse, feeling like everyone hates you. This kind of comparison isn't a positive activity either. You'll never get better! Don't let yourself be jealous of someone else unless you're just really passionate about them or have a true interest in them. There's nothing interesting about jealousy because it makes you sad. Try to avoid jealousy in order to protect yourself from negative thinking. Being jealous is healthy, but if you really hate yourself, stop being jealous. If you spend too much time thinking of what others might look like, your self-worth might drop, and that can lead to loneliness.

2. Take a gander at what you need to accomplish.

Nothing is more important than what you want to become in this world. To get there, you will have to make sacrifices. But only if you choose the path you want to go down. If you choose to achieve success in a certain field, you might find yourself lacking the motivation and determination to accomplish anything else. Once you Have identified what you want to achieve, focus on it and be committed to achieving it with every single ounce of your being. If you want to move into writing, start by creating pages. Each page might take a while, but eventually, you'll have that finished piece and will have the confidence that comes with being confident. Find ways to make it that little bit easier. Move the ball forward instead of backward. Think creatively about each new day you have ahead of you instead of counting the days to a particular deadline. Focus on improving the quality of your day and not trying to make them perfect.

3. Be realistic.

Sometimes less is more. Maybe your company is currently losing money, and the cost of production needs to decrease. But there will always be a possibility that you might win the contract because it's cheaper. Every company has to make decisions without accounting for its options, but that's okay. Most people don't see it that way, but realistically, we can't think like that sometimes. We will always have choices, whether it's deciding between a career change or a vacation or hiring extra staff so let everyone be realistic and think of the possibilities. Life is loaded with decisions, so make them wisely each time you can.

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4. Embrace what you love.

 Have you ever considered living abroad and studying in London? Of course, you've done it before. But you could also live anywhere in the world or learn to speak French instead of English and still be successful. The answer: both. Always remember that the choice is not your own and should be made in comparison to you as a whole. You don't need to sort it out yourself. Take control of your life and pursue what excites you the most. If you love your friends, try not to ruin someone else's. If you love your job, leave the position. Whatever you want to achieve, put your heart and soul into it, and always remind yourself that the goal should go above all else. Whether that means earning enough money to pay your bills, staying loyal to your company, or spending time with your family, you'll soon realize that it will be worth it even less than you expected. Everyone has a goal to achieve, and some will achieve it faster than others. When you embrace what you love, don't let yourself get carried away and forget about the possibility of what someone who doesn't have access to everything like you has. Recollect that you generally get the opportunity to change your situation.

5. Let your intuition guide you.

Instinct is in many cases considered a premonition or gut feeling, but that's not always the case. Oftentimes, our intuition leads us to our destination through the right path alone. Some people believe their intuition is God-given, and so they follow it blindly, without any hesitation. Others believe it's just a combination of natural human abilities and is willing to listen to it because it feels great. Regardless of what's thought of intuitively, trust your inner voice. Don't let a friend steer you towards something you're not interested in. Trust that it's simply a sense or feeling, just like a feeling or a thought when it comes to something other people are interested in. No matter what it is or how intuitive your intuition may be, always let it lead you to your destiny!

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6. Keep busy!

Everything is possible and more important than you care. Work hard. Learn new things. Study for exams. Start investing. All these things are important, but when you focus solely on whatever you're doing at that moment, that's far more important. Keep yourself busy. If you're constantly worrying or thinking of things that have happened, you will eventually fall into debt, or you will want to leave your job. Avoid procrastinating. People won't even notice if you are too busy to get things done. Give yourself permission to give yourself time to relax and enjoy your free time. Use your energy to your fullest potential. If you have a lot of stress running through your head, stop for a couple of minutes and slow down and be present and not stressed out. Spend a day enjoying yourself. If you are unhappy with life, the world, and even your current place in it, give yourself permission to let yourself